Well, it was been a long time since I last wrote here.
A lot has happened.
Dr. Souto's blog has grown a lot. More than 4 million page views!
So much that it has even bothered some people, that tried to remove him from Facebook. Thanks to that, the blog now has a new address: http://www.lowcarb-paleo.com.br/.
A lot of talks are happening all over Brazil. Here is one example: http://www.eventick.com.br/comacomidadeverdade2
Even some online events have happened, such as the
National Conference on Paleo and Low Carb Nutrition ("Congresso Nacional Online de Nutrição Paleo e Low Carb").
As part of the attack to Dr. Souto, two big Facebook groups, each with more than 14,000 members, were closed. But new groups were created and are growing:
And the "Dieta Low-Carb e Paleolítica" page has almost 4 thousand "likes": https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dieta-Low-Carb-e-Paleolítica/139327229556443