A Brazilian paper contributes to show that low-carb diets are good for weight loss
First, read this tweet:
LCHF wins new meta-analysis of all *long term* weight loss trials!
It mentions a post by Andreas Eenfeldt on his blog.
The post mentions a paper written by four Brazilians!
The paper is entitled
Very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet v. low-fat diet for long-term weight loss: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
written by
Nassib Bezerra Bueno, Ingrid Sofia Vieira de Melo, Suzana Lima de Oliveira and Terezinha da Rocha Ataide
from the
Laboratório de Nutrição Experimental, Faculdade de Nutrição, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Campus A. C. Simões, BR 104 Norte, Km 97, 57.072-970 Tabuleiro do Martins, Maceió, AL, Brazil
It is not yet news here in Brazil. But, who knows if in the next months it will be?
Source: http://www.dietdoctor.com/new-analysis-lchf-best-for-long-term-weight-and-health |
Dr. José Carlos Souto and his blog
The Low-Carb and Paleolithic Diet (in Portuguese) Facebook page (which I created) already has 196 likes. This page reposts on Facebook the posts from the Low-Carb and Paleolithic Diet blog. I have written about this blog before. Its author, José Carlos Souto, MD, is probably the most famous proponent of low-carb and paleo diets in Brazil.
And Dr. José Carlos Souto made a huge favor to several of his followers. He compiled a list of Brazilian health professionals that suggest low-carb and/or paleo diets. At this moment, there are 17 professionals on this list.
On January 2013, I commented that Dr. Souto's blog had achieved 100,000 views. Well, right now (May 24th, 2013) it has 410,583 views! A huge increase.
The interest on low carb and paleo diets is growing in such a way that Yahoo Brazil has written an entry on those diets. The text is good but has some mistakes, that Dr. José Carlos Souto commented and corrected on a post in his blog.
A new Facebook Group: Dieta Paleo
Two or three months ago a new Facebook group to discuss (in Brazilian Portuguese) low-carb and paleo diets was created: Dieta Paleo. Yesterday (May 23th, 2013) the group has admitted its 100th member. And it is still growing. Right now, it has 102 members. It is a very active group, with intelligent members that post interesting links, exchange recipes and personal experiences, and start useful discussion.
There is another Facebook group on Paleo Diet: Paleo Brasil. It has even more members: 245. But it is less active and restricted to the paleo diet. Low carbers that consume dairy, for instance, are not welcome.
A dietitian debunking myths on TV
A dietitian, Pollyana Esteves, went to a rather famous TV program (Nutricionista conta quais são os maiores mitos sobre alimentos) to say that:
- lard is good
- eggs are healthy
- butter is good
- canola oil is bad
- soy milk is not good
The video is also on YouTube. The interesting part is that YouTube allows likes/dislikes and comments. At the moment of writing this, the video received 49 likes and 123 dislikes! Almost 3 times more dislikes! And the video has more than 16,000 views.
And the comments show that some dietitians didn't like what she said. A commenter even said that Polly Esteves was once sued by the National Board of Dietitians because of her opinions!