On January 28th, Danilo Balu wrote a post related to Low Carb Diets. His post was published on Webrun, one of the biggest running sites in Brazil. The name of the post is "It is valid to question the professional consensus about weight loss?".
In his post, he wrote:
Nutrition and Medicine have been fighting . But the increasing worldwide obesity trends for decades with a solution that is very compelling: to get thin we need to consume fewer calories than we spend.
The problem is that this argument lacks any support.
In Portuguese:
A Nutrição e a Medicina há décadas lutam contra a obesidade crescente no mundo com uma solução que é bem convincente: para emagrecermos, precisaríamos consumir menos calorias do que gastamos.
O problema é que essa tese carece de todo e qualquer suporte.
An interview with Professor Tim Noakes was translated into Portuguese. It's a Q&A with Tim Noakes on LCHF, Endurance Sport and Surfing!
This blog (Low Carb Diets in Brazil) was mentioned as one of the 28 New Paleo, Low-Carb & Health Blogs For January 2013 on the highly influential Livin' La Vida Low Carb blog, written by Jimmy Moore. Another Brazilian blog mentioned was the one written by Claudia Vilaça: Claudia V.50.
On the list there is also a blog called BJJ Caveman. BJJ is Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a martial art. I don't know if the author is Brazilian, but he certainly knows a bit about Brazil:
I did pretty well today with my diet. Started the day off with my hot cocoa fat bomb… then for lunch we went to a Brazilian BBQ Churrascaria place…. Perfect for a ketogenic diet… if not a little high on the protein side. No carbs whatsoever… just lots and lots of meat. Needless to say, this gave me a strong feeling of food coma afterwards which I addressed by napping through one of the lectures in my conference.
He has an interesting post on Nutritional Ketosis Tools.
A post on the Paleo/Primal Brasil blog analyzes Robb Wolf's opinion on low carb diets.
One last comment. According to this site, Matthew McConaughey follows a Low Carb or paleo diet. Ok, Matthew is not Brazilian. But he is married to a Brazilian top model: Camila Alves. He even, according to IMDb:
- Attended Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with his girlfriend. [February 2008]
- Played Brazilian music for eight straight hours in the operating room to help his girlfriend, Camila Alves, give birth to their child, Levi.
He recently had to become very thin (see here and here in Portuguese) because of a role. But he is usually very fit.
This post mentions Low Carb.
ResponderExcluirThanks for stopping by!
ResponderExcluirI absolutely love Brazil.
I recently spent some time doing some BJJ training in Florianopolis... I've been meaning to write a post about it!